How to start Sql server 2005 / 2008 / 2012 from command prompt?

Introduction: In this article i am going to explain the short cut way to start sql server from command prompt.

Description: Everybody know how to start Sql server by just clicking on the shortcut icon but very few of them know that sql server can also be launched from command line prompt. It’s very simple and also fast. Also sometimes asked in interview questions. Here is the way:

Sql server 2005
  • To start SQL Server Management Studio 2005 from Command Prompt follow as:
Click Start -> Run -> Type sqlwb.exe  and press enter
or  Start -> Run -> cmd -> Type sqlwb.exe and press enter

  • You can pass different parameters with the command also . To see the list of parameters suffix the command as:

Click Start -> Run -> Type sqlwb.exe /?    Or     sqlwb.exe -?
or Start -> Run -> cmd -> Type sqlwb.exe /?   Or   sqlwb.exe -?
sqlwb.exe [-S server_name[\instance_name]] [-d database] [-U user] [-P password] [-E] [file_name[, file_name]] [/?]
[-S The name of the SQL Server instance to which to connect]
[-d The name of the SQL Server database to which to connect]
[-E] Use Windows Authentication to login to SQL Server
[-U The name of the SQL Server login with which to connect]
[-P The password associated with the login]
[file_name[, file_name]] names of files to load
[-nosplash] Supress splash screen
[/?] Displays this usage information

SQL Server 2008/2012

To start SQL Server Management Studio 2008 or SQL Server Management Studio 2012 from Command Prompt:
Click Start -> Run -> Type SSMS.exe and press enter
or Start -> Run -> cmd -> Type SSMS.exe and press enter

You can also pass different parameters with the command. To see the list of parameters suffix the command as:
Click Start -> Run -> Type ssms.exe /?   Or   ssms.exe -?
or Start -> Run -> cmd -> Type SSMS.exe /?   Or   ssms.exe -?
ssms.exe [-S server_name[\instance_name]] [-d database] [-U user] [-P password] [-E] [file_name[, file_name]] [/?]
[-S The name of the SQL Server instance to which to connect]
[-d The name of the SQL Server database to which to connect]
[-E] Use Windows Authentication to login to SQL Server
[-U The name of the SQL Server login with which to connect]
[-P The password associated with the login]
[file_name[, file_name]] names of files to load
[-nosplash] Supress splash screen
[/?] Displays this usage information

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