Else if ladder to perform operation on two numbers based on operator in C language

Introduction: In previous article i explained Else if ladder or multiple else if to check the day corresponding to number in C Language and Else if ladder or multiple else if to check the month of entered number in C language. In this article i  am going to explain how to perform addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(*), division(/) and modulus (%) operations on two numbers corresponding to selected operator from + , - , * , / ,%  using ladder else if or we can say multiple else if statement in C Language.Modulus operator(%) gives the remainder after integer division e.g divide 10 by 4 and you will get 2 as remainder Let's understand by creating a program.

      int a,b,c;
       char op;
       printf("Enter first number : ");
       printf("Enter second number : ");
      printf("Enter  any operator from + , - , * , / ,% ");
      scanf(" %c",&op);
                            printf("Sum of %d and %d = %d ",a,b,c);
                      else if(op=='-')
                            printf("Subtraction of %d and %d = %d ",a,b,c);
                      else if(op=='*')
                            printf("Multiplication of %d and %d = %d",a,b,c);
                     else if(op=='/')
                           printf("%d divided by %d = %d ",a,b,c);
                    else if(op=='%')
                            printf("Remainder of %d divided by %d = %d ",a,b,c);
                            printf("INVALID OPERATOR!! Please enter correct one");
Run the program using Ctrl+F9
First Run
Enter first number :  4
Enter second number : 2
Enter  any operator from + , - , * , / ,% : *

Multiplication of 4 and 2 = 8

Second Run
Enter first number :  10
Enter second number : 40
Enter  operator from + , - , * , / ,% : +

Addition of 10 and 40 = 50

Third Run
Enter first number :  100
Enter second number : 20
Enter  operator from + , - , * , / ,% :  -
Subtraction  of 100 and 20 = 80

Fourth Run
Enter first number :  40
Enter second number : 5
Enter  operator from + , - , * , / ,% :  /

40 divided by 5= 8

Fifth Run
Enter first number :  20
Enter second number :4
Enter  operator from + , - , * , / ,% :  %

Remainder of 20 divided by 4 = 0
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